How do I get super glue off of a stainless steel sink? - what takes super glue off a stainless steel sink
I like a little superglue in my sink at work. I tried cleaning with a paper towel, but only dyed, then dried. I tried to remove it with Ajax, and lighter, but nothing happened around him. Does anybody know what will remove superglue from a well at work?
Nail polish remover.
Try pipe cleaners in Giessen, then rub. Be sure to wear rubber gloves and a sponge can be drawn. Drain cleaner is very sour, and we'll do it without any problems. Be sure to protect against splashes from skin and eyes.
Acetone. You can buy things at any hardware or paint store. NO DO NOT use steel wool because it left no scratches
Select a product called Goof store.or acetone at any hardware store, the only solvent.please Use steel wool, the surface could not damage the surface.
Try acetone or Goof-Off.
Steel wool. Make sure to go with the grain.
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