SET A'ni otakh tzarikh-Lylah (a'ni tz'rikha-lyla has otkha SET)! "I need you with me tonight!" The kh "ch like Scotland" and "A" as the word "car". The material in parentheses is said of women to men. T'ni Lee and ahavataikh (Tain Lee and a'havatkha) "Give me your love!"
ani Lezay rotzah Otcha
ani Lezay rotzeh Otach
SET A'ni otakh tzarikh-Lylah (a'ni tz'rikha-lyla has otkha SET)! "I need you with me tonight!" The kh "ch like Scotland" and "A" as the word "car". The material in parentheses is said of women to men. T'ni Lee and ahavataikh (Tain Lee and a'havatkha) "Give me your love!"
how are you
Mech Shalom MF Ma
FM Shalom Ma Cha
Please contact
MF Schvee
Neshikah Tavel. (Kiss Me)
I love you = ani Ohev Otcha (voiced by woman to man) or Otach ohev Ani (male to female). I know it's true or Motek Silver Moon is a nice nickname.
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